Pagewiz technology makes your landing pages display properly on all devices and screen sizes.
For –proper display, however, all your landing page elements (both text and images) must be inside the content area (Width) as defined by these two dotted-line margins:
If you don’t see these margins guidelines, activate them by clicking the guidelines button:
If you view your landing page on a mobile device and it appears off center or displays with extra empty space, or if you view it on a desktop PC and your browser displays a horizontal scroll bar, it probably means you have content that lies outside of the page’s margins.
How to fix it?
Go to the builder and follow the guidelines below to locate the out-of-margin content:
Check for elements that extend or are located beyond the page margin:
- Drag your mouse (while holding the left mouse button) across the entire page to make the out-of-margin content appear and be selected.
- Delete or adjust all out-of-margin content that pops up.
- On this page, for instance, the designer allowed the headline text box to extend beyond the margin boundaries. She also inadvertently left a discarded text frame outside the boundaries as well as a clock icon.
If this workaround fails to fix the problem, try this one:
Check if there are elements that are beyond the lowest section:
- Maximize the last section height (changing it to 9,999 pixels will usually do the trick):
- Zoom out until the out-of-margin content appears.
- Delete the element or move it back inside the margins. Don’t forget to readjust your section height.