You can set up an integration of your external CRM system with your Pagewiz pages. Pagewiz will send your leads in real time to your CRM system using the POST protocol, the most common protocol used to transfer data over the web. Most external CRMs support the POST protocol.
There are two scenarios of exporting your leads to an external CRM system:
Get leads directly to your CRM
If you have received instructions from your external CRM about which data needs to be forwarded from Pagewiz, simply follow the instructions:
- Select one of your landing pages. From its settings page click 'Integrations'.
- Click 'Settings' next to 'Get leads directly to your CRM'.
- Under the 'Basic Settings' tab, enable automatic leads by checking the checkbox. Paste in the URL to which you would like to export your leads.
- Click 'Save Settings'.
- If you wish to customize the field names that will get sent over to your CRM, go to the 'Default Fields' tab.
- Uncheck the fields you do not want to use.
- You may change a field’s name to match the equivalent field in your CRM system.
- Click 'Save Default Fields'.
- If you need to customize your form field’s names that will be sent over to your CRM, go to the 'Form Fields' tab.
- Change the fields' names to suit your CRM fields' names.
- Click 'Save Field Mapping'.
- You may choose to manually add customized fixed fields that will be sent over to your CRM under the 'Custom Fields' tab.
- Write them in the following format: key=value, and separate one field from another using the ‘&’ symbol. Key = the field's name, and value = its fixed value. For example: key1=value1&key2=value2.
- Click 'Save Custom Fields'.
Map your external web-form into the CRM integration
If you want to integrate your landing page to an external CRM, and you’ve received an HTML web-form from the external CRM (e.g. SalesForce), you will need to map it so you can set up the integration.
Fetch your web-form from your CRM service and paste it into a text document so you can easily view it. You will need to extract certain information stored in the external web-form to set up the integration.
Click the 'Settings' button on the ‘Get leads directly to your CRM’ section. There are four tabs you will need to go through:
- Basic Settings – check the Active check-box to enable lead forwarding from Pagewiz to your CRM, and enter the URL from your web-form's HTML code. It is located inside the <form> tag, and looks something like this:
Click ‘Save Settings’. - Default Fields – This is a list of fields containing your leads’ metadata, which will be sent (unless you uncheck them) over to your CRM for every lead you get. This metadata can prove useful when you analyze your audience and try to target it better. Not all CRMs support this sort of data, and some therefore do not expect it to be sent to them. You should uncheck the fields your CRM does not accept, or your CRM might reject the lead information being forwarded to it.
Click ‘Save Default Fields’. - Form Fields – These fields (located on the left) are automatically extracted from the form located on your landing page.Make sure the names of these fields correspond to the field names your CRM is expecting to receive (located on the right), and that they are each mapped correctly.
The Field Name in POST should be the name parameter (not the id parameter) from the form’s code. It usually looks like this:
So, in this case, fill in last_name as the value in POST.
<input type="text" name="last_name" id="last_name" maxlength="80" size="20"/>
Finally, click ‘Save Field Mapping'. - Custom Fields – Here, add any additional info that’s found on your CRM’s HTML form, such as ‘hidden fields’ that should be sent with information about every lead that is forwarded from Pagewiz over to your CRM system.
The fields you add here are fixed, and do not get filled dynamically.
Write the fields in the following format: key=value, and separate one field from another using the & symbol. For example, say there’s a hidden field in your CRM’s HTML form that looks like this:
This field is meant to help your CRM system identify the campaign from which this lead originated.
<input type=hidden name="Campaign_ID" id="Campaign_ID" value="80120000rrPne">
Enter it in the following format: name=value. In this specific case: Campaign_ID=80120000rrPne.
Click ‘Save Custom Fields’.
That’s it. The integration between Pagewiz and your custom CRM is now configured. Make sure it was made successfully by submitting a ‘test lead’ to your live landing page, and see if it gets properly forwarded to your CRM.
Keep in mind that our servers push leads every couple of minutes, not every second, so it may take a few minutes before the leads are visible in your external CRM.